Friday, May 8, 2009

Emily is officially in the A.L.L. program

We had an orientation on the 7th to make our final decision on the Accelerated Learning Lab program. I sat through it with Emily, I kept telling her, "You should be listening to this too." She was too busy doodling on some paper that I had for taking notes. I was wrestling with Samantha so Emily had my paper.

One thing the principal and the teachers talked about was that many times after school activities are planned at school. (I already knew that since Lindsey has planned her birthday party on Wed. the 27th at the park by the school and has already invited all of her friends. Then she was upset when I told her that wouldn't probably work. She was so angry at me.) They talked about being "out of the loop" or feeling "lost" when you got to scouts or what not with other kids in your neighborhood, as they are talking about the cool assembly or something from school, you weren't at that school so you don't really know.

They also addressed the need of homework EVERY NIGHT for a set amount of time. They talked about wanting to really push the kids so they can be challenged, and have to ask for help from their classmates and figure out for themselves how to get answers or figure out a problem. I think that will be great for Emily. They talked about getting out of your comfort zone. They also said it wasn't always about getting all your homework done, but that you sat there working on it for the amount of time, so even if you didn't figure out the math, you tried.

After all they talked about and then me talking to Emily again, also explaining that next year there will be NO bus for her to ride. The twins will be starting school at 8am the same as she will need to be at school at 8am, and I can't be two places at one time. Emily's school is 1.9 miles north of our house, and the new school that Lindsey and Lauren will be at is 1.8 miles south of our house... total in the opposite directions! Emily said I could drop her off early at school and pick her up last, she would be fine with that.

Now it is a done deal... we signed the accepted letter and the track request for her to be on the 8am schedule. I guess it is all decided. (I fret the idea of all the running around, but I would still be driving kids to and from school because it is too far for them to walk and no buses. Emily is excited. At least the school with the A.L.L. program is near by. And maybe, just maybe when Lindsey and Lauren are in 3rd grade they will be in the program too. Wouldn't that be nice and convenient!


Marie said...

That's great! Congratulations on having such a smart kid! Good luck with the running around.

** Adrian ** said...

How exciting!! I'm excited to see how it goes. Great job, Emily!! You are one smart cookie!!!

I also LOVED reading the Samantha post! I can't believe how incredibly fast our baby girls are growing up!!!!!! It's happening TOO FAST FOR ME!!