Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fox 13 News

This week the cool school on Fox 13 news was Saratoga Shores. The 1st graders sang Rubber Ducky with their principal. You can click to go see it.

I am not really sure how to do the links, so I am hoping that does it, if not I think I have also added it to this post somewhere? I am hoping so anyway. You can see Lindsey to the left of the principal, and Lauren is way on the right side of the group, next to a girl with blonde longer hair with a flower headband in her hair... it is harder to see Lauren.

The girls were WAY excited to be on the news. I set my TV to record, but somehow it totally missed it. It stopped recording about 10 minutes before they sang. I was so glad to see this link on the news.


** Adrian ** said...

That is GREAT!! HOW FUN! I'm glad it's online, too!! I bet the girls WERE they should have been!!

Julie said...

That is so cool! It's always so awesome to be in the news. You feel so proud of you kids when they are. COOL!!!!!!!!!!