Thursday, December 31, 2009

Graham Cracker Houses

We made graham cracker houses again this Christmas season.  I thought about making the gingerbread and then I thought about buying the kits but instead we just used graham crackers and I did make some royal frosting to make them hold together better. 

This is Lauren with her house. 

Lindsey with her house.

Emily with her house.

Amber and Samantha didn't really make any.  We did this activity with some neighbor friends that Robert home teaches (and they home teach us too).  Some of them made it "rain" candy on their houses.  Emily when I was taking her pictures she said, "I wish it would have rained candy on my house too so that I would have more candy to eat."  That is just silly because she still have the majority of her halloween candy left and would have more if the little girls hadn't been eating it too. 

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