Monday, August 17, 2009

Yard Update...

Here is the latest updates of our house, from beginning to current condition. I am a little frustrated with the grass, but I think it will end up okay, I just get frustrated right now over the large bare spots due to the rain and wash out after the hydroseeding. *grrrr*

Our house when it was on the market...

Our house as of a day or so ago...

This is the side/back view of our house, prior to us buying it.

This is again, on the market picture....
and current view....

This is what our yard looked like this spring before we started doing the yard work.

This is what it looks like today....

This is before the yard work. We added to the corner of the rock walls, its hard to see but their was a bit of a gap.

This is during the winter, in our muddy yard, where Lauren got stuck in the mud.

This is a picture of our front side yard from the balcony that the kids took.

This is after our rock wall in the front and side of the yard.

Here is our trenching... for sprinklers.

More trenched yard....

Other side of yard after trenching...

Back yard, you can see the added rocks here in the corner...

South of front yard, after sprinklers where covered up.


back yard curbing and future cement slab/patio

More curbing and ready for the hydroseeding...

Future spot for our playground...someday... (where the bobcat is)

This is what our grass looked like when we left for Washington... beginning of July.

This is what the grass looked like beginning of July...
This is what it looked like when we got home around the 27th of July.

Back yard when we got home...
Back yard now...

Front yard when we got home... (compare to the above picture of what it looks currently)

Front North yard when we got home....
And now.... a bit of a different view, but it is coming along.

Rob has planted some seed in our back yard which seems to be the worse of the bare spots... hopefully it will all work out. We also have a bare spot along the South of our garage, I guess the sprinklers there aren't working out good or something. Looking at the whole picture, it is a big improvement... Can't wait to get PLANTS in here. Although that will have to wait until next year. *sigh*
Sorry, I tried and tried to fix the gaps and the formatting but couldn't make it work out... Sorry!

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