Monday, November 2, 2009

The imagination of a 3 yr old

Today, I was checking email and all those compute things I do (since last week I didn't even check email until Thursday and Friday because my week was too busy)....

Amber comes up to me with a little tea cup and says, "would you like some hot cocoa?  It's really good!"  I tell her yes that sounds great.  She then makes a spitting sound into the cup, which then she accidently really does slobber into the cup and hands it to me to "pretend to drink" she told me.  I then asked her where her cocoa came from, she pointed to her mouth and said, "In my mouth, it is really hot and it will warm you right up."  I looked into the cup to find some pink tinted spit from her juice she was drinking earlier and was trying to figure out how I can "pretend to drink it" without it getting too close to me. 

I suppose her imagination is a litte too real.  She cracks me up all day long!


Jamie said...

Motherhood is a combination of sweet and gross all the day long........

Wendy said...

That reminds me of a story (or joke?) I heard of a Dad who drank the "tea" his daughter brought him--water in a tea cup. The Mom later reminded him that the only water she could reach was from the toilet.

It also reminds me of your chapstick story!!