Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday Night at the movies...

Here is Amber, she is too funny! Here she is singing....
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bonked his head...

She is always making us laugh, while she destroys our house and messes up everything. I had cleaned our front room, putting all the toys back in the buckets and vacuumed and all. I was feeding Samantha and Amber came in and grabbed her bucket of blocks, looked and me and said, "can I make a mess?" I smiled and said, "Yes, you can make a mess."

Last night, Robert was on a camping trip with the scouts, so we had the night to ourselves. I thougt it would be a nice night...put the kids to bed and just have some relaxing time... It didn't really go that way at all. The girls had fun though. These pictures all just from last night. The girls had a movie night and had 3 bags of popcorn, m&m's, chocolate eyeballs, and got some old shleves and put them on the stairs and slid down them. (I should have gotten a picture of that!) It seems like most the house is back in its normal order this morning.

We had corndogs for dinner, we really have easy dinners when Robert is away. Amber always thinks she has to sit on the table to eat. She seems to clean up everyone else plates when they are done or just spills their leftovers all over the table. Here she is eating the crusty part of the corndog off the sticks. Yummy!!

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