Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break week

After my parents left, we still had a few more kids take turns throwing up.  Amber went for her second round of getting sick.  She was so funny (if you can see any humor in the stomach flu).  She was asleep on the couch and threw up almost on Lauren't head.  Amber was pretty much still asleep.  I was trying to get her to sit up and go to the bathroom.  She wouldn't do it.  I tried getting her clothes off her, and she was mad at me.  I told her she threw up all over, she didn't even beleive that.  Finally she woke up enough to realize it all. 

That was kind of our spring break.  We had sick kids.  We thought we were going to the zoo on Friday and I think that is when Amber threw up, early that morning.  We didn't do anything at all.  Well I take that back,

we went to McDonald's courtsey of my parents McD's Dollars they left for us,

and we got ice cream type treats and played on the play area. 

Also soccer started for the girls, so we had 2 soccer practices.  Samantha and Amber had fun playing at the playground while we waited for the practice to be over. 

The area that Emily practices at has a few little bridges.  The girls all took turns playing "3 Billy Goats Gruff" and they "trip-trotted" across the troll bridge to try and get past the troll.  I wish I would have gotten pictures or even video of them.  I will have to remember that when we go back for another practice for Emily this week. 

It is always hard for me to get back into the swing of things, back into our normal schedule of school.  Being off for the week was nice but I didn't feel like we did much while the kids were out of school.  Maybe if the kids were healthier.  I suppose summer will be here before I know it.

*Note: For some reason I couldn't get my pictures to download.  (Frustrating!)

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